Monday, December 28, 2015


Right now... I am tired, really really tired. I am tired of racism. I am tired of police getting away with excessive use of force. I am tired of not getting justice. I am really really tired of it all. Why I am so tired? It didn't take a few days or one death of an innocent person to get me here. It took a few years and many deaths to make this tired.

It all started when I was about 12. I heard about the Trayvon Martin case. I was appalled when his murdered got away free. That was the beginning of me being tired. It only got worse after the shooting in South Carolina. I am tired of hearing of death after death after death without any justice. I thirst to see justice poor down like a torrent of rain, but right now we are in a drought. There is not justice in our justice system. In our skewed courts. America is NOT a city on a hill. America is in a drought of justice. That is what I am tired of.

I am also sick of the callous remarks I hear. Like he was doing something illegal, he had a toy guy, she yelled at him, or he was wearing a hoodie.  NONE of those actions should equal death. I shouldn't be afraid for my life, because I yelled at someone, wore a hoodie, had a toy gun, or committed a minor crime. That is wrong. Someone doesn't deserve death for stealing a candy bar. That is not justice.

So join me. Join me in demanding justice. Join me in saying Black lives matter. Join me in fight for what is so sacred to all of us a person's very life. Join me. If we do this together, we don't have to be tired. WE don't have to hear about death after death by police , racists, and the list goes on. We don't have be starved of what are malnourished stomachs so desperately need, Justice. So why don't you climb aboard. Join this ship's crew as we seek out what our country so desperately needs for all citizens no matter the color of their skin. That is Justice.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I am a feminist

I am a feminist. Some people label feminism as crazy, stupid, unnecessary and the list goes on. Why would someone want to take part in it? Don't women have enough freedom? I will answer these questions and more.

I  am proud to call myself a feminist, because of all the other amazing women before me who called themselves feminist. I am feminist, because I believe in the equality of men and women. After seeing how women are objectified in our culture. After learning that I couldn't walk down the street by myself due to the simple fact that I am a girl. After I learned that, male victims of domestic violence and rape are not taken as seriously as women. I now know there is a problem. When I learned that there are less than 150 female African-American physicists. I knew then that there was a problem. I wanted to be a part of that change.

I have heard many people say that there is not a problem. But, there is obviously is. I understand that women have come very far from where we were even less than 100 years ago. This has been due to the work of male and female feminists alike. Feminism is not the war cry overpriveledged women, who scream oppression. No, I don't think I am very oppressed. Yes! I have experienced some difficulties that I wouldn't have as a man.  Just because we have come so far doesn't mean that we need to stop. The cause of feminism still needs to be fought for. Not just here in my home country, but around the world. My heart goes out for the countless girls being bared from getting a good education. The cries for justice and equality of girls around the world still rings in my ears. I want to fight for these women and girls here in my country and around the world. That is why I am a feminist.

I know you still may not get the cause or think I am simply a man-hater, stupid, bossy, annoying. Frankly, I don't care.  I am going to stand for equality regardless of what others think. I am proud to be a feminist. I proud to stand for equality for both genders. I hope you can understand that I am not a man-hater. I am not faking oppression. I am making people aware of the real issues that need to be addressed. As a feminist I will not deny the problem. I will not ignore the cries. I will stand up and fight for the cause.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Accept Yourself

                                               I am so sorry. I haven't made blog post in awhile.

So, recently, I've been think about beauty and what means to be fat, curvy, over-weight, skinny, etc. I looked up my BMI and I was overweight. I was shocked and a bit depressed. Then I realized something a few weeks latter. I started working out more and playing volleyball. I was able to run faster and farther. I felt healthy again. My stamena was great,  I was cutting calories. I stopped snacking so much, but the weight wasn't falling off. I lost about 10 pounds. I wanted to be that skinny girl, but I couldn't be that skinny girl. I wasn't built that way. It was then I started to accept my curves. Yeah, I am  a curvy girl. I may not be skinny, but I am healthy and fit. Now, after 3 months of consistent working out I can do 100 jumping-jacks, 50 crunches, 30 situps, and cardio. I can rock a pencil skirt. I am beautiful. I had stop wanting something that would never be mine. No matter how skinny I got I would still have curves. God Blessed with this beautiful body that I have come to accept. We all are give a body. We don't get another one. We need to learn to love and accept it for the beautiful creation it is. If you are skinny girl, you don't need to have curves. You are still beautiful. If you aren't a super muscular guy, you don't need to be. You are still handsome. If you are a super curvy girl accept it. You are gorgeous. It doesn't matter what body type you have. What kind of hair you have. What color your hair or eyes are. You were made in the image of all powerful God. You are wonderful creation. That is why I had to accept that I am curvy and beautiful. You are beautiful too,

Thanks for Reading!

Comment what you think!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

It Is Not To Be

It Is Not To Be

Everytime I think of you
I remember you
I remember your smile
I sometimes scroll through your pictures
I imagine my hand in yours
But it is not to be
I look at our old texts
Our silly conversations
I remember the first time you called me
I thought you were wonderful
You still are
But we haven’t talked in what seems like ages
Everytime I think about you
Why I loved you
I fall in love with you again
The scary part is that I don’t know if you love me back
You’re quirky, smart, and sweet
That is what makes me fall in love with you
I remember the feeling I got when I talked to you
How everytime I think of you it puts a smile on my face
I loved you
and I still do
I keep on falling in love with you
But the scary part is Do you love me?
Don’t you love me?
Or is not to be?
Is this feeling that causes butterflies
This feeling that makes me smile and dance
Do you feel it too?
Or is not to be?
The scary part is that I don’t know
But everytime I see you just a glimpse
I fall head over heels for you
Everytime I remember why I loved you
I fall in love  with all over again
I know we haven’t talked in awhile
But I loved you
And I still do
I will never stop falling in love with you

Until you say it is not to be

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

To Be a True Hero

Hero? It is a term you hear on the news and in stories and pretty much everywhere, but what does it really mean. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary it is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability or one who shows great courage. This gives us a general idea of what a hero is, but what is separates the heroes from the average people.There are several legitimate answers. Superhuman powers, courage, strength, These are all true, heroes can posses these things. Though, the essence of heroism can be explained in three words bravery, loyalty, and love.

Shaking, Sir Gawain stood before the Green knight. He steadied himself preparing to receive a mortal blow. He was afraid yet he was working through his fear. In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, many good and bad characteristics were shown. The story began when the Green Knight made an unexpected entrance at King Arthur’s New year's feast. The Green Knight challenged everyone there to give him a blow with his own ax. A year later the Green Knight would return the blow. King Arthur appalled decided to take up the offer, but Sir Gawain stepped in front him and took this mortal fait. He gave the Green knight the fateful blow. He comprehended when he stepped in front of King Arthur that he was risking his life. Surely, he would die. Willingly, he pushed aside his fear and faced the Green Knight. A year later he faced the green knight again. After three blows from the Green Knight, Sir Gawain survived. He showed bravery in his willingness to sacrifice his life for a good friend. He was a true hero.

Loyalty, it is hard to be the person that stands with someone else through the ridicule, but this is a mark of true friend, a true hero. Wiglaf from the old story Beowulf possessed this trait. When all of Beowulf’s friends had deserted him, Wiglaf stayed by his side and together they fought the dragon, who mortally wounded Beowulf. Beowulf in turn mortally wounded the dragon. Wiglaf never did leave his side the entire time. Even as he was dying Wiglaf fulfilled his dying wishes. Ashamed were the deserters of Beowulf. They did not posses the nature of a true hero like WIglaf They were only simple cowards. Wiglaf stayed, even with the trials that Loyalty can bring the joys are worth far more, true friendship and heroism is a treasure worth far more than any Gold.

Love, one could say is the greatest of all values. Love encompasses all others. If you love someone, you will be loyal, brave, kind, generous, and the list goes on. Love is what truly makes a hero a hero. Whether that love is for a stranger or their country. Love is woven into the fabric that makes a true hero. We can see this if we look past the folly in the Canterbury Tales. Palamon and Arcite fell in love with the beautiful Emily. Palamon spotted Emelye. He was overtaken by her beauty. He points her out to his cousin and friend Acrite. They both fall in love with her beauty. Now, willing to fight to the death over a girl they barely know. After many events that land them free from jail . A stadium is built by Theseus for them to battle for Emelye. Each with a 100 men on their sides, they doughtily fight for Emelye. Arcite dies trying to marry his love. Palamon lives happily ever after with his love, Emelye. They showed love for Emelye in the willingness to fight for her. Although it wasn’t wise to lose a friendship over a girl who simply attractive. Their love for her is apparent

Love, loyalty, and bravery are the marks a true hero bears. He is willing to die for a cause even if 

he is scared. She is willing to remain loyal even when things are extremely difficult. Heroism is a quite 

simple term once you take away the fancy facades. Heroism has its bare bones is something you and I 

can do daily. We can all be heroes. It is not the amount of difference you make it is the fact that you

made a difference. Love may seem foolish at times. Loyalty may be hard. Bravery may be scary. If 

you those things overcome the negatives, you can be the true hero you were destined to be.

Thanks For Reading!

Post a comment on your thoughts and share!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I look in the mirror. I see my face. It is tear stained. I look like total chaos. I look like the chaos inside of me. My hair is everywhere. My mouth is a ruler. I feel sort of delirious. I have to do this. It is not worth it. It isn't too much pain too much sorrow. I take the knife and slit my wrists. I had already written the note to my family and " friends." I lay on my bed. I let myself bleed out the pain. As I lie there dying my life flashed before my eyes. The menacing words. The turned backs. Being turned away left out disregarded and unloved. The shame of the feeling when I knew what he had done to me at that stupid party. The only party I had been invited to in High School. I knew it was too good to be true. That those popular seniors actually wanted to be my friends. They just used me. The worst part is that no one would believe me. No one would believe what happened to me. No one would stand up for me. The only one who believed me was my mom. She and my dad were the only one who ever truly cared. Why did the police not believe me? All these people that let me suffer alone. They will probably come to my funeral but they weren't my friends while I was alive. They did not come to my birthday party. I sat there alone. I was waiting. The rejection I felt was felt alone. The voices of my peers "No one likes you." "You are ugly." "Maybe you should kill yourself" "You're fat." "You're stupid." "You're just a fly." I could handle that but those who called me their friends making me look like a fool. Tick Tick Tick Tick I feel myself letting go. Just like they let go of me. I feel the darkness enshroud me. Strangely it feels good. I am dying and I don't feel panicked. I am just going to sleep a long eternal sleep. The pain is gone and I feel free.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Never Alone

You are never alone. I know life is not pretty. I have gone through my own trials. Sometimes you feel alone like no one cares. Whether it is the loss of a loved-one, homelessness, bullying, depression, abuse, or anything else you may face. You are not alone. God will catch every tear. He sees when you cry. He is there. Just know you are never alone. 

In Psalm 56:8 it says God records our misery." Record my misery;list my tears on your scroll are they not in your record?" He is there with us. He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be there to the end of time. You are never alone. I know some days you feel alone. You feel forsaken. Let the tears fall. Let God catch them. Let yourself feel the pain. Let is out. If you need to cry cry your heart. He will be there, He will remember. Don't hold the torrent of tears back. Just let it flow. Let them race down your cheeks. It is freeing, because the dam will break, but God will be there with you when it does. He will catch those tears when they fall.

 I know it is hard to trust God, when you are going through something. It is okay to be angry at God. It is okay to ask questions. It is okay to falter. Your trust in God may bend but it won't break. He is the silent force that keeps you going even when you angry at him. Even when you don't trust him. Even when you question why? Sometimes you just need to yell at the heavens and scream WHY?!?!? Why have you done this to me? I have said that before. You simply want to know why? Why would  a good God allow this to happen to one of his own followers? I have asked this question so many times. So many times. There is no real answer. Just the comfort of God.                                                              

Sometimes when you feel alone, it seems like you can't make it through another day. I begged God just to get me through one more day. One more day. While you are suffering, each day feels like a year. It seems the pain will never end. The hurt just goes on and on. God will get you through that one more day. He will. So just take it a day at the time. The pain will end. I know it doesn't feel like it now. I know you feel alone, depressed, and forsaken. Just now you will never ever be alone as long as you have him the King Of Kings. He will comfort you. Matthew 5:4 states, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." He is there by your side to comfort you.

As you face trials. AS you question God. As you feel dejected. Remember God is with you. You are never alone. I know it may feel like you are, but you aren't. God hold you in his arms. You are safe with him. He is your protector and he is your king. He will hold you and love you and comfort you even when you are angry with him. He loves you and he never want you to me alone.

Thanks For Reading!!
You can do this!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The GMO Bill against Labeling CALL YOUR SENATOR!!!

The GMO bill against that stops states from labeling GMO's. This is not good. House Bill 1599 has already passed through the House of Representatives. We must stop this from passing through the Senate. Therefore I strongly compel you to contact your Senator and encourage them to vote no. If we fight this bill we can stop it from pass through the Senate. 
At this point, if you don't know what GMO's are you are wandering why this bill shouldn't be passed and why GMOs should be labeled right. First let's take a look at what GMOs are.

GMO OR GM stands for Genetically Modified Organism or Genetically Modified. But what exactly makes a food Genetically modified specifically plants? Genetic modification in agriculture is when a plant for example corn or Zea mays (its scientific name)  has the genes of a bacteria for example Bacillus thuringiensis, which is sometimes used as a pesticide, added to its own genes through a process of recombinant DNA technology .  But what does this do? This helps the corn plant make its own insecticide. The gm corn plant creates a Bt toxin that kills the insects. Genetic Modification is adding genes of different species to the genetic code of another species.  Some plants that are genetically modified are Soy, corn, Canola, cotton, Sugar beets,  Zucchini, Squash, papaya, tomato, rice, wheat, potatoes,  alfalfa and  even milk.

Now you know what is why is it bad? Our world lab shows a direct correlation with the rise of Diabetes, Autism, and Arthritis and the introduction of GMO crops AS you see by these graphs.  This could be merely coincidental or proof that GMO’s cause health problems.  
If toxins and bacteria are leaking into the abdominal cavity, the body will respond as if it is under attack. In addition, according to Dr. Pusztai, “The body will regard any genetically modified substance coming into the digestive system as foreign [because of its mutated DNA].” The body responds to foreign substances by triggering an immune response. This can be instant, as in an allergic reaction, or it can be a slower, cell-mediated response. Food allergies and immune diseases of all kinds are also soaring. Incidence and prevalence data trends are unavailable because many were rare until recently (fibromyalgia, celiacs disease). Other immune diseases that are on the rise are: asthma, eczema, lupus, Addison's disease, Grave's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis.”
Genetically Modified Food could cause diseases and other serious long term effects as discovered in the real world lab by Professor Pusztai.
Another problem with GM crops are their toxins. Remember the corn that released the BT-toxin to kill the bugs.  If It kill bugs is it perilous to humans? The answer is Yes. New Research from Canada has discovered that this BT-toxin can kill unborn children by destroying their embryos.  Although Monsanto claims this product is perfectly safe. It is not.  The BT toxin can also kill human cells. But the toxin is not present in corn in large enough amount to kill an adult quickly. There was also a study that took place over two years one of the very few lab studies.

My Sources are Listed Below

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The tragedy of Racism

The tragedy that happened in Charleston, SC is disheartening. Racism is a tragedy. Racism is not over. IT is not done. In the words of the most looked up to civil right leader, Martin Luther King Jr., "They are now committed back to that eternity from which they came.And yet they died nobly. They are the martyred heroines of a holy crusade for freedom and human dignity.And so my friends, they did not die in vain. God still has a way of wringing good out of evil. And history has proven over and over again that unmerited suffering is redemptive.And so I stand here to say this afternoon to all assembled here, that in spite of the darkness of this hour, we must not despair. We must not become bitter, nor must we harbor the desire to retaliate with violence. No, we must not lose faith in our white brothers. Somehow we must believe that the most misguided among them can learn to respect the dignity and the worth of all human personality."

The words still ring true in our society. Racism is not over, but steady progress has been made. Progress is being made. We must continue the fight. We must not stop until love has won. We can see the war between love and hate continues to wage on and on from the late Trayvon Martin, whose death wasn't brought to justice, to the current situation which we face in Charleston, SC. 

What happened in Charleston, SC? 
A man, Dylan Rood, entered the church prayer meeting. The church was a predominately African-American church. He sat there for an hour and I assume that they welcomed him into the church. He then turned on them shooting all but one person whose life was spared. This act was committed by a deranged, evil, and racist person. He believed African-Americans had taken over America, which is obviously false. He wanted to start a civil war. He had confederate flag license plate. He believed in white supremacy. His previous actions indicated the potential to violence. He did not care about those he slayed or their families.

The people that were murdered in cold blood were innocent people trying to worship God. People lives were snuffed out. A pastor waging the war of love was killed. A well-known speech therapist helping teens with their speech. A young man, who graduated from college and loved knowledge. These people did not deserve to die. Their lives cannot be gone in vain. We must be solemn and continue to fight until loves rings true everywhere. Until loves rings true in the capital building. Until love rings true in the courts. Until loves ring true in every heart in America. Until love rings true through our country. We have no choice but to fight the good fight to do what's right. So Let us stop the tragedy of Racism here and now.

Thanks For Reading!

For more information on the Charleston Massacre Go to these links:

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Should 19 and Counting be canceled?

Hey Guys! I haven't written on any current events recently. But I am going to write about what I think about the recent "celebrity" news about the Duggars. I am sure you all have heard about it. For  a brief synopsis
I usually don't write about celebrity news, but this is or maybe was one of my favorite shows.
First of all I really don't think the entire show should be canceled for the actions of one person. It would not be fair to the victims of the crime to me. I think most people have solely been looking at Josh. He is not the only one on the show and not the only one involved. So I think they should simply take Josh off the show instead of canceling the entire thing. What he did was wrong and he knows that. He still needs consequences. I am sure he would never do something like that again..
It seems that people bypassed the feelings and thoughts of his sisters. I just wonder if they canceled it how would it affect them. As I have read victims of abuse tend to blame themselves for it. They also tend to have lower self-esteem. No articles have stated which sisters were abuse by their eldest brother.

They obviously did not want this to define them, because they would've written in their book. When the media blew this up they did not do so thinking about the victims and their feelings and if this would be bring back bad memories. Now, that we know about it. We can see how strong and forgiving they are. They forgave their brother even though it was tough. I think this whole trial they went through gave them the ability to love more. Instead of growing up to be bitter and hateful women they grew up to be strong, loving, and forgiving. We could all ask ourselves if we were abused would we be willing to forgive?

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Beauty... It is something we think of as an outer thing and sometimes an inner thing. It seems that is a girl thing. But I believe anyone can have beauty. Beauty is what is on the inside. Not an outer appearance. You are beautiful. I don't care if you are a guy or a girl. You are beautiful!! 

For girls and guys some days, we just feel ugly. On those days, it seems that anything I try does not look okay.  On days like this we can become self-absorbed. We can complain all day about everything. Nothing looks right. It is so easy on those days when you feel ugly or not good enough to lose your shine. It can be easy to hide our  inner beauty. We aren't perfect. But ALWAYS remember it is the inner beauty that counts. It doesn't matter what you're outside looks like. Beauty is fleeting. Inner beauty true beauty last forever and ever.

I know that some of you have gone through tough situations, so have I. It can damper you're inner beauty. You can focus so much on past mistakes or things that happened to you in the past. We can all forget the present. How we can grow in beauty now. Some of you may have been abused or lost a loved one. You may have gone down the wrong road. You might have a hard time forgiving someone else maybe even yourself. Forgiveness is beautiful.  Holding on to hate takes away from you're true beauty. I am not just preaching from inexperience. There have been people who did things to me. It took me a while to forgive them. Once I did I was free. I grew in beauty and love. Sometimes I hated God for letting me go through a tough situation. I had to realize that God still loved me. That he put this situation in my life for me to grow in love, forgiveness, and beauty. When you forgive, you bloom. True beauty is like a flower inside, when let go of hate, you bloom. The more you grow in beautiful. The pretty you flower is.

God made you beautiful.  In Psalms 198:14  says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful I know that full well."
The king made you amazing. You are prince or princess of the Most High. God loves you. He gave you a purpose. He wants you to reach your height in beauty. He wants you to bloom. God wants you to be a bright flower in a world of wilting plants. You are a child of the king, the creator of all things. As you grow in beauty and love and faith, he smiles. Thank the Lord for making you wonderful and helping you grow. In 2  Thessalonians 1:.3, it states " We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing." While you're love increases, praise and thank the Lord for his gift of love and making you beautiful.

Just remember, God made your beauty to be shared with the entire world.  Shine!! Shine bright. Show you're beautiful flower to the world. Even when it feels like you're flower is wilting. God fashioned you to grow and grow in beauty as you let go of anger and hate for yourself or those who wronged. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! DON"T EVER FORGET IT!
This is a great song. Johnny Diaz More Beautiful you. 
Trust me there could never be a more beautiful!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Let Your Inner NERD OUT!!!!

So this year has been a pretty good school year. This is the year I fully let my inner nerd out. I used to think I did not like school. I was afraid to let my inner nerd out. Can you believe that?!!
I used to not be so out-going either. I feel like my first year of high school has been amazing. So let’s begin the story of my freshman/sophomore year.

Before Classical Conversations started, I was really really excited. I was hyped about ALL of my subjects. Yeppers every single one. I was ready to let my inner nerd out. When the school year began, I was the only one who was always excited about EVERYTHING. I wasn’t afraid to be different. I enjoyed school and I wasn’t going to hide it. I was letting my nerd flag fly and fly high. Once I did that I noticed there were other nerds in my class. I still think I am the most nerdy though. But hey I could be wrong. This year I have grown in being myself. I’ve come to realize that I am Awesome. If you don’t like my rad nerdiness, you are only missing out. I have had so much fun in class just being myself with a people, who are being themselves. It makes things much more interesting. As this year comes to close, I am super enthused about next year.

I have become more out-going. I can talk to pretty much to anyone and everyone. I am not afraid to meet new people. At speech and debate tournaments, since I have been more frank, I’ve gotten to meet more people. I feel like being friendly is fun. Now, I don’t mind going places where I don’t know ANYONE, because I can always meet new people. Being comfortable with new people and foremostly myself has gained me friends. People like people who are themselves as I have noticed. Being out-going and friendly is AWESOME. And I hope I can grow even more in those respects in the future.

It feel I have learned soo much. My mind is a sponge constantly sucking up more and more knowledge. I have learned about the Economy and all of its intricacies. I have learned how to talk about issues cordially and disagree and still be friends. Government and Philosophy have made my mind grow by leaps and bounds. I feel like the more questions, I ask the more have. The more I learn the more, the more I thirst for knowledge. It is almost like drinking salt water the more you drink the thirstier you become. When I have just learned something new, I get really excited. I am like WOW! I learned that. Acquiring knowledge makes me elated. Knowledges has help me know myself better. This year, I have learned more than I ever have about myself and the world around me. That just makes me want to think read and write about my discoveries of new knowledge more.

This year I have grown in nerdiness, knowledge, and friendliness. I have had such a great time with everyone in Challenge one. It has been amazing what I learned from them. And I hope they’ve learned a little from me. I hope they know that they are AMAZING. I am happy that I am not the same person I was last year. I am glad I will be different next year. I relish that I finally let my inner nerd out.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Confidence! Have confidence! This is my story of how I needed confidence. For me it takes confidence to go outside. It takes confidence to shake someone's hand. It takes confidence to meet new people. I have to be a very confident person. I am going to tell you my story about how I overcame shyness and self-consciousness and became confident.

           I am a home schooled teen. I am a sophomore. I have to be confident and able to go out and meet people. When I was 13, I became very quiet. You could say I went into my shell. I did not really want to socialize. Before that I was a really friendly and out-going person. I guess what put me in my shell was people ignoring me when I would interject in a conversation or not being responsive. They shut me out and so I went into my shell. I had just moved that Spring and I did not meet many people and did not want to talk to people. That fall I started a new home-school co-op and I began speech and debate. I did not know anyone! I was forced to talk to people and in the process I met some really cool people. At speech and debate tournaments I met some very sweet people. After that I was brought out of my shell. There kindness and friendliness brought me out. Otherwise I may have been shy til this day. I was finally able to think if you don't like me that's fine but some people do. After being rejected for awhile you begin to think people don't like you. And that you are just an unlikable person. You go into your shell because you don't want to get hurt. You don't give yourself a chance to be rejected or accepted.

        Another reason I have to be confident in myself is that I have a skin condition called atopic dermatitis or eczema. It makes my skin look very dry. It appears to be contagious to some people, but it isn't. It is an inflammatory condition. It where my skin gets inflamed. This can be caused when I eat an allergen or am exposed to artificial perfumes and scents. It can be very itchy and dry and even painful. I have it on my hands and arms and legs and even a little on my face. I notice people stare at it especially on my hands and arms. It makes me feel self-conscious. And a few people have even commented on it. For me it takes a lot of confidence to put on a short-sleeved shirt and show my arms. It takes a lot of confidence to shake a hand. Because that person may look at my hand and give me a strange look like don't ever touch me again. So I have to be confident in myself. I can't care if people stare at me. I am beautiful even if my skin is not perfectly smooth. I have to tell myself that. It is not that I am conceited. It just so I can have confidence and not want to hide behind long jackets and sweaters.

          Well, this is my story of how I had to have confidence. I probably does not seem very significant. But whether you have a skin condition or are shy. You can have confidence. Who cares if people stare?? Who cares if people don't always accept you? Trust me! You are an AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL creation of the Lord. You are awesome in each and every way. Don't ever second guess that even people reject you. Remember you are a really cool person those people are only missing out! So Have Confidence!

Thanks so Much For Reading my article!

Comment what you think. :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Balance

There should be a balance between the importance of the individual and the state. If the individual is infinitely more important than the states this can be warped into a sick humanistic survival of the fittest. If the state is infinitely important, it can turn the citizens into systematic robots. Today we will see how there must be a balance between states and human rights.  How our cultural places the individual on a throne. And how individualistic humanism is exalted.  But Christ is infinitely important than both the individual and the state.
I vehemently believe each individual is important. Even the smallest groups deserve a voice. There is a balance between the importance of the state and the individual. This balance is imperative. If one side is uplifted more than the other. The system will likely fail. In facist communist government, the government is more important than the individual. Individual rights are trampled. But if there is a democracy there can be tyranny of the majority or mob rule. These also heartlessly trample small groups and individual rights. God showed men through history what the balance of the individual and state is. That balance is found in a Participatory Representative Socialist Republic society. This society is careful not to trample on the rights of the minority. Carefully, a government will make sure that needs of the weakest and least “important” are taken care of. This shows that the Individual is important but the state also must have power.  Frankly, I believe this is the best balance of individual and state.  Because if the state has too much power life loses color. This an quote from The Giver a Dystopian society where all choices were made for you and life was without color choices and spontaneity. “The Life where nothing was ever unexpected.  Or inconvenient. Or unusual.  The life without color, pain, or past.” Without choice life loses its color, pain, and past. The difficult days allow us to appreciate the best days. For happy and well-mannered society the importance of the individual and state must be balanced.
Everyday you hear people talk about social media.  According to the Pew center 74 % of internet users are on social media. People can use their social media pages to glorify God or for self glorification. Society can reflect this. Many people take pride in their accomplishments. Google+ a social media site even has a place to put your “bragging rights”. Loudly the culture screams at us to do you, love you, be you, you are the most important. There's so much self glorifications. Everyone has to have the latest style of clothes, the best smartphone, and the coolest vacation photos. In the media you can see the onslaught. Every commercial is bellowing you need this. Buy that Buy this. Our culture exalts the self. There is even a magazine called Self.
New age religions also glorify self. These beliefs are that You are a God.  God is in you. Speedily, this adds fuel to that all about me attitude. As our culture promotes the all about me attitude everyday we can choose who to glorify. GOd or ouselves

Self love and Selfishness that our culture project leads to emptiness. God does not want us to experience the tragic emptiness that leads to storing things for ourselves. God lovingly tells us.

Matthew 6:19-20 New International Version (NIV)

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
God want to wisely store things where it matters in heaven. Everyone can tend to have the all about me attitude. People tend to put on there “but me” glasses. I’ve done this too. It may go like this. “ I got 90% on the test,”
“But I got a  98%.” Is the reply. People do not like to hang around those who constantly have their “but me” glasses on.  I’ve been caught putting on my big fat loud colored “but me” glasses. But as Christian God calls me to higher. He wants me to take off my “but Me” glasses and put on Christ. Christ wants to save us the embarrassment of putting our huge gaudy but me glasses on.

Luke 9:23 New International Version (NIV)

23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
I must deny myself daily. Everytime I reach for those glasses. I must deny myself. God wants us to deny ourselves if we want to follow him. He wants to save us from the emptiness and depression that selfishness brings.
It is not about you or me it is about Christ. He is infinitely more important than the state and the individual. He helps us see the error in our ways. In the Bible it shows tyranny and how if the individual and state aren’t balance it leads to tyranny or anarchy. This is my message. He is above all.
If society is balanced it will be set up like a triangle. Christ will be at the top state and individual at the bottom corners. If this balance is kept society will flourish.This balance is a difficult one to keep.  But as we have seen countries flourish and have a happy well-mannered society if this balance is kept.  

"Social Networking Fact Sheet." Pew Research Centers Internet American Life Project RSS. Pew Research Center, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!!! Let us Take up our crosses!!!

Sorry, I  have been so absent from this blog. But I want to talky about Easter today and how this story is so profound and amazing. How Christ died for you? He gave his life. I am sure most of you have heard the story of Christ's death, Burial and Resurrection.  If you haven't here are the links to previous posts with the story.
God gave up his life for us. He thinks we are so valuable it is worth it for him to die. 

1 John 4:19New International Version (NIV)

19 We love because he first loved us.
He loved us when we hated him. When we were deep in our sins. This profound. He showed the greatest love. Love greater than anyone could show.  He gave his life. Most people would not give their life for a good person. Let alone people who hat them. God gave up his life when we were enemies of him. He displayed the ultimate sacrifice.

John 15:13New International Version (NIV)

13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
God did this for us. For me for you and every other person in this world. This is profound. This make me filled with awe and love for Jesus who did this for me. Since God gave his life up for us, how much more should we be willign give ours for him. To serve him. To show Jesus in everything we do. So if we want to show him we must pick up our crosses and follow him. 

Luke 9:23New International Version (NIV)

23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
If you want to follow Christ. We must take up our crosses and follow him. Taking up our cross means putting others first. It means showing the fruits of spirit 

Galatians 5:22-23New International Version (NIV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
If we show these or try to show these. We are taking up our crosses and following him. It won't always be easy but God's sacrifice was not easy.
If you have any questions about salvation please comment.
Thanks For Reading!!!