Sunday, June 25, 2017

Having an Obvious Skin Condition

Feeling beautiful is a complicated journey for so many women and men. It seems that our society values the outer appearance so much. Considering reality, outer appearance does significantly affect our existence as human beings. While we can lie to ourselves and claim that we don't care or that the commentary doesn't affect us, that isn't necessarily true.

Personally for me, I have a skin condition called eczema. If you know me in real life you have probably wondered what those distinct dark marks are that speckle my arms and legs. Well, it is eczema. No, it's not contagious. No, I don't think it's ugly. Yes, I have chosen to love my most distinct characteristic. 

Having an obvious skin condition has always been a struggle for me. I admit I used to envy everyone else's skin. I had to come to the realization that my skin isn't going to be magically even toned, smooth, etc by hating my eczema. That being said I chose to love myself just the way I was. It has been a long journey and I still cringe a bit when people comment on it or stare, but I do love my cheetah spots. They are part of what makes unique. They are apart of my distinct beauty.

Learning to love yourself just the way you are is important. Hating yourself will not change a thing, but loving your uniqueness will make you happy. I compel you to love your stretch marks, hyper-pigmentation, acne, or whatever physical aspect of you that you don't like, but makes you unique. It's beautiful. Having to learn to love my imperfections has been amazing not only has it boosted my own confidence, it has allowed me to see the beauty in the imperfections others. I don't see imperfections as ugly but distinctions that provide and exquisite unique sort of beauty. While finding the beauty in yourself won't happen everyday, I encourage you to begin the journey to loving yourself just as God made you. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are exquisite. You are unique. Love yourself from the soles of your feet to the tip top of your head. 

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