Thursday, December 15, 2016

I Am A Black Woman

I am a Black Woman
Loud and Boisterous
Angry and Sassy
Boiled down to a few words
In the minds of those around
I am a Black woman
But I am not like the others
I talk different and
I am practically white
I am a black woman
My confidence is comedy
My love of myself is irony
The way I sway my hips
The way I pucker my lips
Is funny because I am this or that
maybe because I am black
I am a black woman
I am who I am
There is no one way for me to be me
Stop judging me
Telling me I am so white
I am different from the others
No, it is not dishonor to be a black woman
To come in these rich brown hues
No, I am proud of my skin, my beauty, of myself
I am a black woman
I will not be silenced
Or stereotyped
I may be the most disrespect or neglected or unprotected
But still like air I rise
I may not get the best place everywhere or be carried over puddles
I am proud of who I am where I came from.
It is not a compliment but insult
When they say I am not like the others
I come from Queens,
I come from a long line of intelligence, strength and dignity
I can only aspire to be like those from which I came.
I am a black woman
I have strength, dignity, poise,
Intellect, humor, kindness
I cannot be boiled down to a few small minded words
Saying that I always have an attitude or I am not really black
I am aggressive and angry or I am basically white
No, I am a black woman
I can be seen in so many untrue ways
Ultimately I can be a billion different things and none of that at all
But I will tell you I cannot be boiled down to five words
To aggression, misplaced anger, loudness, and sass
I am much more than that or not that at all
I am a black woman
I refused to be silenced by your lies

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The American Dream and Equal Oppurtunity

The American Dream is an idea that gives hope and pride to many Americans. It rests on the idea that anyone can make in the land of opportunity. All that needs to be done is to run, jump, and to never give up. The idea of the American dream promotes rugged individualism and how if one works hard enough, one can reach the height of success. This idea rests on the premise that there is equal opportunity for all. The question to be answered is does America provide that equal opportunity or is it simply a figment of the American imagination? Today, this question is going to be answered with the facts that acknowledge income inequality and mobility, race inequality, and gender inequality. Based upon these inequalities the American ideal of equal opportunity is simply a figment of the American imagination. Though, it can be conceded that the ideal of the American dream can be attained, but some have to work harder to reach that height of success.
Income inequity is becoming a staple of the new American economy. United States income inequality has been steadily increasing since the 1970’s. (Desilver, 2013) The top .1 percent owns nearly as much wealth as the bottom 90%. (Monaghan, 2014) If the trend of growing income inequity continues, this gap between the very rich and the poor will continue to increase. A fact integral to the American dream is that is attainable for all. Does this growing income inequality affect the attainment of the American dream? The answer is yes. This will be seen later.  Even with a wide gap between the rich and the poor, income mobility or being able to change income statuses is an important factor towards the verity of the American dream and the idea of opportunity equality. This being stated, income mobility is imperative to being able to achieve the American dream regardless of income inequity. Simply stated if you work hard it should pay off. This fact means that poor children should be just as likely to become rich or stay poor, and rich children should be just as likely to become poor or stay rich. This is depart from reality. According to the Pew Center, children in the bottom 10%-50% are less likely to make more than their parents unlike their counterparts within the 50% -90%. (Grusky, 2015)  This means that regardless of work ethic children born into more wealth are likely to maintain if not increase that wealth. Essentially, this means that being born into wealth is an advantage over the lack of it.  This translates into equal opportunity being a non-reality due to wealth inequity. Essentially, less well-off children have to work harder to get to the same place; this negates the idea of equitable opportunity upon which the American Dream rests.
What must be recognized is that race does affect the attainment of the American dream. Now, the subject of race disenfranchisement is obviously a complex and multilayered issue, but what is discussed will only pertain to the ideology of equal opportunity. According to the Pew Center, unemployment in the black community is consistently twice that of whites. (Desilver, 2013) In addition to this reality, having a black-sounding name makes one less likely to be called back for an interview. Income mobility for black people is significantly lower than that of whites. (Rodrigue, 2015) Half of black people born into poverty stay poor. In addition, black children born into middle-class families are economically downwardly mobile. (Rodrigue, 2015)  Based upon these statistics and studies, African-Americans are at a considerable disadvantage towards their white counterparts. This works itself out in it being more difficult for black people to achieve the American dream.
Gender inequality also significantly affects access to oppurtunity. Women make 80% of what their male counterparts make. (Miller, 2016) This is partially due to the social effect of gender in the workforce. Many low paying service and clerically oriented jobs are gendered as for the female.  Although even when women work the same high-paying jobs, they are often paid less than their male counterparts. In addition,  the idea of glass ceiling must be taken into account. This essentially means that due to gender women are less likely to reach their full height of success. It is much the opposite for male counterparts, who ride a glass escalator to the top. This is even true in predominantly female occupations. Males have an easier time of riding the said glass escalator to success. (Barkan, 2012) It can be seen that women face a harder time with achieving the American dream, and they significantly lose out on access to equal opportunity. It must be realized that women of color have the double burden of not only lack of access to opportunity for their gender but also for their color.
The American dream is a not as beautiful as it can be perceived. While America is to an extent the land of opportunity where anyone can reach their dreams, it must be realized that due to factors out of one’s control, some have to work harder than others. The ideal of equal opportunity is not true.  Dreams of total equality of opportunity still remain in the mind of America. The question lies in will that ever be achievable. It is possible, but maybe not likely. For now, the American populace must cling to the belief that the American dream is possible, but access to it is more difficult for some. That is fact that cannot be overlooked. The American dream is quite real, if not equally accessible.
Works Cited
Barkan, S. E. (2012). Sociology: Brief Edition. Creative Commons.
DeSilver, D. (2013, August 21). Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
DeSilver, D. (2013, December 05). U.S. income inequality, on rise for decades, is now highest since 1928. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from  
Grusky, D. B. (2015, June). Economic Mobility in the United States (P. A. Mitnik, Ed.). Retrieved December 11, 2016, from
Miller, K. (2016, Fall). The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2016). Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

 Monaghan, A. (2014, November 13). US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Black Lives Matter is the New Civil Rights Movement

Philando Castille- that name brings back the memories of the horror many Americans felt when they heard the tragic news of his death. Brutally, he was slain by a police officer, yet he had done nothing incriminating. He was an outstanding citizen. His death had been brought to the forefront of our national debate on race by his girlfriend live streaming his murder. Even though there was a child present, even though he followed the law, even though he made the officer aware of his legally owned firearm, he still was killed. That is a powerful testament to the treatment of African-Americans in today's’ American society. Despite the fact that American society has changed its perspective on race, there is still a long, complicated, and treacherous road ahead. The fact is race, racism, and the value of black lives must be discussed in society. Just like during the civil rights movement, the media is bringing the issue of the value of black lives to the forefront. The similarity between the civil rights movement and the black lives matter movement is uncanny. This simple yet profound observation should definitely color a person’s perspective on the black lives matter movement and the action that should be taken regarding it.
            In the south during the 1960’s and prior decades, signs stating coloreds only or whites only were a prevalent feature that decorated the landscape. The signs of this moral degradation of society were apparent to everyone. Racism, discrimination, and hate had been woven into the fabric of society. It is similar in this day and age, while the signs are not as apparent as they were in the south. Society as a whole has gotten much better but there are still remnants of the systematic oppression and some of it has altered in practice. Examples of this current systemic racism are mass incarceration, discrimination based on having a “black” sounding name, and police brutality. A recent 2015 study showed that there was a bias against traditionally “black” sounding names according to Howard from the Huffington Post. African-Americans with the similar backgrounds as their white counterparts are still more likely to be unemployed as stated by White from The Atlantic. Even children are not exempt from this systemic oppression, as mentioned in the article “Black Preschoolers Far More Likely To Be Suspended”, African-American Preschoolers are 18% more likely to be suspended. These statistics show racism is still very much a systemic problem that is being addressed by the Black lives matter movement much as it was addressed by the civil rights movement.
            The reality is that apathy is rampant in society, while now people may champion the civil right era.  Most people did little to nothing to add in the process of change. As Martin Luther King Jr. once proclaimed, History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” Apathy had seeped in like a widespread disease, such as it is with the majority of the population now. According to the Pew Center, only 18% of Americans strongly support black lives matter.  Though most American supported the Civil Rights movement, only 19 % were actually willing to participate or support vigorous enforcement of new laws from the 1964 poll done by Opinion Research Incorporated show in Kohut’s article. This passive view causes there only to be a few movers and shakers, making change a longer road. If more people traded in their apathy for a desire for radical change, things in this nation could be reformed very rapidly.
Like during the Civil Rights movement, many people disagree and do not support the black lives matter movement. This is expected due to the fact that the black lives matter movement is the new civil rights movement. Fighting to make sure that people of all colors have equal rights, not simply theoretically, but practically played out in the society in which we live. The main counter argument to the anthem that the black lives matter movement is singing is all lives matter. Disregarding context, this is a very true statement. The postulate with the black lives matter campaign is that of course all lives matter, but society is particularly overlooking black lives in each area: economically, socially, politically, and judicially.  That is why the statement black lives matter speaks volumes. Those three little words say a lot about United States as a society. This simple statement has come across much disagreement. That is appalling.
The cause is urgent. The time is now. The campaign to say black lives matter is ready. The similarities between the civil rights movement and black lives matter are increasingly apparent as time goes on. The fact is the ability to see the similarities in situations become more apparent as time progresses. Currently, the similarities can be seen in three aspects apathy, urgency, opposition, and systemic oppression. It can be said that Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most renowned civil rights leaders. One could wonder what he would think of recent events and the Black lives matter campaign. To use Dr. King’s own words, “They are now committed back to that eternity from which they came. And yet they died nobly. They did not die in vain. God still has a way of wringing good out of evil. And history has proven over and over again that unmerited suffering is redemptive. We must not become bitter, nor must we harbor the desire to retaliate with violence. No, we must not lose faith in our white brothers. Somehow we must believe that the most misguided among them can learn to respect the dignity and the worth of all human personality.” This quote thoroughly illustrates the problem and action that must be taken today. It applies directly to the new civil rights movement, Black lives matter. That simple statement has started the fire that won’t easily burn out until justice rings true for all, because black lives do matter. People should support that.

"Black Preschoolers Far More Likely To Be Suspended." NPR. NPR, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.
Horowitz, Juliana Menasce, and Gretchen Livingston. "How Americans View the Black Lives Matter Movement." Pew Research Center RSS. Pew Research Center, 08 July 2016. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.
Howard, Jacqueline. "New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias." The Huffington Post., Inc, 8 Aug. 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.
Kohut, Andrew. "Despite Mixed Views on Civil Rights in 1965, Americans Largely Supported Selma Marchers." PBS. PBS, 5 Mar. 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.
McLaughlin, Eliot C. "Woman Streams Aftermath of Fatal Officer-involved Shooting." CNN. Cable News Network, 8 July 2016. Web. 20 Sept. 2016. <>.
White, Gillian B. "Education Gaps Don't Fully Explain Why Black Unemployment Is So High." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 21 Dec. 2015. Web. 30 Sept. 2016. <>.

Friday, July 29, 2016

What I asked

Did I ask to be objectified?
Did I ask to be looked at as less than human
Because you find the way my body curves entertaining
Did I ask for you to stare at me earily.
Did I ask for your unwanted gazes and comments
No, I never asked for it.
But I guess I should be happy.
It just means I am attractive,right?
I mean guys are visual, right?
Boys will be boys
Every guy does it.
It’s perfectly normal.
But I did not ask to be objectified?
Why then when I protest?
I am I told that it’s just a guy thing
It’s fine.
I am overreacting
Somehow I believe all this
It doesn’t matter if I asked or not?
Every guy does it.
I begin to justify it all
Even when it escalates
It doesn’t matter what I asked for or didn’t
Every guy does it
Boys will be boys
It’s perfectly normal
Until it isn’t.
But it’s too late then
I believed it all
It doesn’t matter what I asked
Why would it matter now

When it never did

Friday, June 3, 2016

Liberating or limiting : Racial Preference in friendship and dating

Friendships and Relationships can be complicated. I have never been in a relationship, but I do have many friends. From what I have seen relationships are difficult and more complicated than a friendship. Though, for some people there is another thing that complicates the process of gaining friends and/ or a relationship. That is racial preference. I decided to write an article, because I have noticed some people have racial preferences in their friends. While, I can't call each person that does that a racist, because I can't prove they do in all cases. Some people do say that they have racial preferences in friendships and especially dating. I have heard people say I don't date Insert ethnicity girls or guys. Why is this wrong? Don't they have a right to preference one ethnic group over another? It is just preference not actual racism?

A large reason of why racial preference is wrong, because it gives into stereotyping. If you were to ask someone why they only date out of a certain racial group. Generally, they will give you an answer that has to do with stereotyping. Stereotypes are wrong. If we look at them from a christian perspective. We see Christ didn't believe in the stereotypes of his day. He didn't choose to hang out with  a certain type of person, because that is what he was most comfortable with. He went to the tax collectors, Samaritans, and down trodden. He went to those that were stereotyped as being wicked, undesirable, or some other negative label. He chose to be a friend to all. He didn't choose to limit himself by his preference and racial stereotypes. I think that as we seek to attain Christlikeness. We must follow his examples by not giving in to stereotypes and going outside our comfort zone.

Racial preference is very limiting. If you limit the types of people you could date or be friends with based upon ethnicity, you are closing an entire door of wonderful relationships.I personally tend to be the minority most places I go. If I limited myself to just being friends to people who look like me. I wouldn't have as many friends as I do. I wouldn't know as many amazing people that have changed my life for the better. When you choose to have a racial preference, you are missing out.

Racial preference is friendship and dating is wrong especially if you look at the reasons why. You end up losing out on many wonderful people. I hope and know that most of you don't have a racial preference in friendships or dating. Though, I have met people that do. I hope that you can learn from this article to get out of your comfort zone talk to people who are different from you. Don't limit yourself to a small group similar looking, like-minded people. Choose to love people of all colors. That is more liberating than limiting yourself.

Thanks For Reading!!!!

Comment what you thing about this article.

Friday, May 13, 2016

I need feminsim because...

I need feminism because

Women are constantly being objectified no matter how little or how much clothes they wear

Women's bodies are considered "a stumbling block," but men's aren't

It is rare to find a woman or man who is body positive

Rape culture is promoted by the objectifying of women

Rape jokes are not funny

Men are treated like they can't publicly express emotions

A woman who is assertive is seen as aggressive, but a man is not

Men can't be physically abused or raped according to society

Child Marriage happens in the United States and abroad

Women are not paid equally to men

Women deserve respect regardless of their clothing choice.

Modesty is a good policy

Like a girl is an insult

Men and Woman are equal and should be treated as so

When I say that woman's bodies are considered a stumbling block I am talking about a woman who dresses more revealing is considered a stumbling block. A man who does the same isn't even though he is too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The day I fear is coming

The day I fear is coming.There is nothing I can do about it. The day when I cease to be a human. The day when I become an object. What day is this? The day I get cat-called. It is the inevitable. It is going to happen at some point in my life. One day as an independent woman choosing to walk down a street by myself in broad daylight. I will get a whistle, an objectifying comment. It will be then I will cease to be a human. Maybe the comment will be. "Hey Baby you got nice legs" like I am a car with a shiny new coat of paint. Or Maybe it will be "Hey girl wait up with sassy walk." The thing is I don't know how I will react. Will I turn and look what could be danger right in the eye and say, "I am not interested. Leave me alone. I am a person that has feelings."  The thing is that could end terribly. He could unrelentingly follow me for blocks. He could yell profanities. Or maybe just leave. The scary part is that I don't know what. It seems that women don't have a right to their own bodies. If a woman decides to wear a short skirt, but doesn't want to go on a date with a random guy on the street. That is false advertising. But maybe I just wore a shorter skirt, because I like the way it looks on me. Why is it crazy to think that a woman is dressing for herself and not for men? A woman has a right to her own body. Society doesn't seem to get that. So let's get that. Women have  a right to their bodies.  I hope one day the day I fear is coming will no longer be for girls in the future. I am hopeful that men will respect women as human beings. Isn't that what feminism is all about? Just people respecting people as humans. So come on let's make a change.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

10 Reasons why you should vote for Bernie Sanders

1. He doesn't take money from large corporations and vehemently opposes Citizen's United.

2. He has stood for the civil rights of Minorities since the 1960's and was even jailed in the fight.

3.His economic policies will reduce the debt.

4.His economic policies have been approved by 70 accomplished economists

5.He wants to put more money towards renewable energy

6.He believes black lives matter.

7. He wants to make college more accessible for everyone.

8. He believes women should get paid equally for equal work.

9. He promotes medicare for all.

10. He supports real family values such as providing paid family leave.

Overall Bernie Sanders has a track record of fighting for equal rights and justice in our political system. He is the type of candidate that is truly for the people. He wants our nation to prosper. If you believe in social and economic justice, Join the revolution and vote for Senator and future president Bernie Sanders. #feelthebern

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pro-life means

Pro-Life means so much more than stopping abortion at least to me. I mean it is extremely easy to say well, "I don't support abortion. I am pro-life." But what does it look like to actually live it out. Is it as simple as going on a pro-life march or what? God calls us  to  "6 not rejoice about injustice but rejoice whenever the truth wins out. " (1 Corinthians 13:6) Abortion is a great injustice, but that is not all being pro-life means. Pro means to be in support of and Life means to exist. So when you say you are pro-life you support human existence. That is a tall order. I mean I see a lot of people with a bumper sticker of Facebook post or something else insignificant. What does pro-life mean? What does a person actively seeking out to be in support of human existence look like?

To me Pro-life is so much more than protecting unborn lives. 
Pro-Life is:
Serving at a food pantry
Donating Money 
Adopting a child
Working to pass laws in support of social programs
Standing alongside of single mothers

Being Pro-life is more than just not believing abortion is morally right. It is living a life that is in support of others. God calls us to live this life to love. To love others more than ourselves. That is not something to be taken lightly. There is so much more to pro-life than what meets the eye. Women need to know they are supported so they can be courageous and do what isn't easy; save a life. Pro-life is not simply making abortion illegal. It is being in support of human existence in all of its stages. So next time you say I am pro-life think about what it truly means. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

African- American History Month : Nate Love

Mounted on my favorite horse, my ... lariat near my hand, and my trusty guns in my belt ... I felt I could defy the world.

-- Nat Love in The Life and Adventures of Nat Love, 1907

Born in June, 1854 as a slave on Robert Love’s plantation in Davidson County Tennessee, Nat (pronounced Nate) Love would grow up to be one of the most famous cowboys in the Old West.

Raised in a log cabin, Nat’s father had become a slave foreman on the plantation and his mother worked in the kitchen of the "big house.” He was looked after primarily by an older sister when he was young, but she, like her mother, had duties in the kitchen so Nat primarily looked after himself. Though he had no formal education, with help from his father, he learned to read and write.

After the Civil War, when the slaves were freed, Nat’s father worked a small farm that he rented from his former master, Robert Love. But, freedom was to be short-lived for the former slave, as he died just a few years later.

Nat Love, also known as Deadwood Dick
Nat Love, also known as "Deadwood Dick."
This image available for photographic prints and  downloads HERE!

Nat then took various jobs on area plantations to help support the family and found that he had great skill in breaking horses.

In 1869, Love left his family in an uncle's care and headed west with $50 in his pocket. When he reached Dodge CityKansas he ran into the crew of the Texas Duval Ranch. Having just brought a herd to the Kansas railhead, the cowboys were having breakfast when Nat joined them. The young man soon approached the trail boss asking for a job. The boss agreed that Nat could join them if he could break a horse named Good Eye. The wildest horse in the outfit, Nat would later say it was the toughest ride he’d ever had. But ride he did and got the job with the Duval Ranch at $30 a month.

The 16 year-old quickly adapted to the life of a cowboy, showing excellent skills as a ranch hand and practiced so often with a .45 revolver that his shooting skills also became very good. Earning a reputation as one of the best all-around cowboys in the Duval outfit, he soon became a buyer and their chief brand reader. In this capacity, he was sent to Mexico on several occasion and soon learned to speak fluent Spanish.

After three years with the Duval Outfit, Love moved on to Arizona in 1872, where he went to work for the Gallinger Ranch on the Gila River. There he traveled many of the major western trails, sometimes working in dangerous situations in Indian battles and fighting off rustlers and bandits. During these years as an Arizona cowboy, Nat was referred to as Red River Dick and claimed to have met many of famous men of the West including Pat Garrett, Bat Masterson and Billy the Kid.

In the spring of 1876, the Gallinger cowboys were sent to deliver a herd of three thousand steers to DeadwoodSouth Dakota. When the crew arrived on July 3rd, the locals were busy preparing for a 4th of July celebration. One of the many organized events included a "cowboy” contest with a $200 cash prize to the winner.

The contestants competed in roping bridling, saddling, and shooting. Winning every competition, hands down, Nat walked away with the $200 prize and the nickname of "Deadwood Dick."

Nat continued to work as a cowboy in the southwest for another 15 years before he began to settle down and got married in 1889.The next year he took a job in Denver,Colorado as a Pullman porter on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. As such, he worked on the routes west of Denver and moved his family several times to Wyoming,Utah and Nevada before finally settling down in southern California.
In 1907, Nat Love published his autobiography, The Life and Adventures of Nat Love, Better Known in the Cattle Country as "Deadwood Dick," a tale that tended to take on the epic proportions more noted in the many "dime novels” of the time.  Though he boasts in the book that everything actually happened, there is very little external verification, such as those famous western men that Love allegedly met.

In other cases, there are no records for the cattlemen that he said he worked with and for. As to what portion of the book is fact, and what is fiction will never be known; however, that didn’t stop the American public, hungry for tales of the west, from avidly reading the book.

Love’s last job was working as a courier for the General Securities Company in Los AngelesCalifornia.

Credit for this article goes to

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kesha, Rape culture, and victim blaming.

If you pay attention to celebrity news, you have probably heard the story about Kesha. If you haven't basically what happened is that Kesha was raped by Dr. Luke. She went to court to breach her contract, so she didn't have to work with her repeat abuser. Her case was denied. What happened to Kesha is bigger than her and her case. It is something that has happened to many girls. They get blamed for being raped. This is caused by the rape culture.

What is rape culture? Is it this mystical thing created by man hating feminists? Or is it real? It is real. Rape culture is the part of our culture that blames victims and affirms rapists. When a woman is raped they hear things like; Why didn't you speak up earlier? What were you wearing? You were drunk. She was asking for it. She should've worn a longer dress. Men can't help it. Or male rape victims hear; Why didn't you fight back? Men can't get raped especially not by women. You are a wuss.  These things make victims stay quiet. Who wants to face these accusations and justifications of what happened to them. In the end, rape culture promotes victim blaming. This leads to victims staying quiet. It is incredibly hard to fight all of that. You have to be very brave.

What can you do to support these silenced victims? You really never know who has been sexually abused or not. But what you can do is be a safe person to talk to. Be open about your struggles. Don't judge others or make rape jokes. You are only shaming victims and uplifting rapists. Try to love and show that you care and are not going to judge. Be understanding. Know that if a victim waits years to come out and tell others. It is because it is extremely hard to do so. And the best thing to do if you are ready is to BREAK YOUR OWN SILENCE! If you aren't ready just be try to understand yourself, and eventually you will be. 

The story of Kesha and her abuse has open up a new way of talking about rape culture and victim blaming. It is not something that just happens to girls who get drunk and get raped. It effects all victims and rape is NEVER someone's fault. We need to show our support and not promote rapists, victim blaming, and rape culture.

Friday, February 5, 2016


I am fat! Yes, I said it, "I am fat." I weigh more than the BMI tells me I am allowed to weigh. It makes me fat. I also love writing, I am reader, student, debater, speaker, and so much more than just fat. I am beautiful and I believe it. I didn't believe I was beautiful when I was smaller. It took me to be at my heaviest and my fittest in order to realize that simple fact. I am beautiful. 

The number on the scale is not going to make you happy. You have to choose to be truly happy with yourself. Good grades are not going to make you happy. You have to choose to be happy with the bad grades. That doesn't mean you don't strive for more. When you choose to be happy, you don't let circumstances control you. That is an ultimate victory. I choose to be happy with my body despite the dark marks that are speckled all over my skin, because of eczema. Despite the way my legs jiggle when I walk. Despite the fact I am single. I choose to be happy where I am. I can say I am fat with full confidence that I am also beautiful. One does not negate the other. So what I encourage you to do is be happy where you are. Love yourself. Project that love to the world. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.