Sunday, September 28, 2014

The True Meaning of Sucess

The True Meaning of Success
I believe that success isn't always winning. People who don’t constantly win can be successful.  The world’s definition of success might be having it all: money, fame, or winning a gold medal at the Olympics. But even people who win awards, have millions, and are famous don’t always feel successful and content.
I learned the true meaning of success after a speech and debate tournament. After debating, timing, and giving speeches for three days straight, my brother and I were exhausted. We were reading our ballots in the car, when we discovered we didn’t win a single debate. At first I was really depressed about it. We had worked hard. We thought we would win at least one debate. We had done hours of research and practice. I even debated quitting debate. My mother said that even if I didn’t win I learned and I did a good job.  After all the research I knew  a ton about United States of America’s voting system.
But later at one of the speech and debate meetings, one of the parents spoke about success. She said true success was learning and pleasing God with your actions. She also said that those who do win are not necessarily successful.  Success is not defined by winning or losing.  I also heard something similar from my mother and other people. This was very encouraging.

Surprisingly, I am glad that I did not win. I learned a valuable lesson about success. It is not the trophies on your mantel that indicate your success.  It is not how many zeroes you can write on a check. It is what you learned and trying your very best. I learned also that I must persevere even when I do not win. I believe success isn’t defined by trophies. It is defined by perseverance, a great attitude, and growth. This is the true meaning of success. This I believe.

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