Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy President's Day

Today is President's day and we learn about a much forgotten president John Calvin Coolidge Jr. prominently known as Calvin Coolidge. He has been known as Silent Cal. Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4, 1872. in Plymouth Notch. Vermont. He had a good childhood. His dad,John Coolidge, was farmer and politician. Sadly, his mother died when he was only 12 years old. Her name was Abigail Grace Coolidge. He attended Amherst College and he apprencticed at law firm. He later became a lawyer. He married his wife Grace Ann Goodhue in 1905. They had a beautiful and loving marriage. In 1896 Coolidge decided to follow in his fathers footsteps and run for office 1996. He became president August 2,1923 due to the death of ex-president Harding. He died January 5,1933.
Can you name all the presidents?
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