Monday, May 22, 2017

An Open Letter to Racism Deniers

Dear Racism Deniers,

You're denial and minimization of pain you don't feel hurts. Instead of sympathy, you show the cold shoulder, because this doesn't affect you. When someone gets killed for racially motivated reasons, you need to hear more information before even showing the least bit of empathy. You have shown over and over that, I cannot trust you. I can't trust you with my stories, my emotions, and my reality. You are a part of the systemic oppression by denying its existence and not even attempting to remedy the cause. You say you would have helped during slavery, civil rights, etc. I don't buy it. You claim you support marginalized groups while continuing to speak over them calling them disillusion with a victim mentality. In reality, you are only blame-shifting and victim blaming. This helps no one if anything it hurts. The reason you may not want to realize the issues at hand because then you become apathetic. Yo are now responsible for your lack of action. Instead, you prefer to say wait. Instead, you prefer to victim blame. Instead, you prefer to scream over those already barely heard. Try something new like taking a time to show empathy. Listen. Don't just hear. Listen with a truly open heart. See with truly open eyes. Maybe you will see what those you blame are seeing. Maybe you will see the oppressing that some are crumbling under.

A Dear Social Justice Warrior Friend,

Lorrayya Williams

Thursday, May 18, 2017

An Open Letter To Republicans

Dear Republicans,

You have allowed your party to ravished by racism, sexism, xenophobia, and many other forms of prejudicial hate. Before, you stop reading this letter hear me out, this isn’t to simply accuse you of your sins. This IS a call to action. When Donald Trump an open misogynist ran for president, you wholeheartedly supported him. You stood behind his even after calling mexicans  rapists and murderers even after he imitated and disabled reporter. When he made sexually objectifying comments about women, you ignored it or dismissed it as “locker room” talk. You claim your party is the party of Lincoln, but it isn’t. It doesn’t stand up for radical change for people of color or promote women’s rights. The republican party has morphed into a monster run by big business and openly allowing for hate. Xenophobic, racist, and misogynists comments are allowed much too often. All the while many republicans look the other way.  Not only does such behavior ignored, it is rewarded by re-election,  being defended, and minimizing the pain that is caused. This hate that you have allowed in your party, making it the safe heaven of the alt-right, neo-nazis, and neo-confederate, who cry “white supremacy.” You refuse to call this hate out. Your defense for lack of action is simply “free speech”.  Free speech doesn’t stop one from condemning immoral use of speech. Ignoring the issue only allows for it to grow.  You allowed the party to be a safe space for hate of all kinds. That is why the lack the diversity of the other parties in our nation. While you may dismiss this as a letter from a liberal crying wolf, I would encourage you to examine yourself. When is the last time you voted for someone who has said hateful things? Do you continue to support a candidate despite or because of their racism, xenophobia, sexism, etc? Do you allow for the stereotyping of marginalized groups? I would challenge you not to sit by and watch as your party's invaded by racists. I would encourage to challenge your own prejudice. Racist, sexist, xenophobic comments and policy must not be tolerated. They must be called out, stopped, and those saying such things must not be re-elected.
Now, I understand not all republicans have taken part of this practice of ignoring discrimination, hate, and prejudice. The vast majority have. That is why neo-nazis, neo-confederates, and the alt right are perfectly at home. That must be challenged. So I compel you to not look the other and if you aren't keep doing what you're doing.


A Dear Progressive Friend

Lorrayya Williams