Friday, June 3, 2016

Liberating or limiting : Racial Preference in friendship and dating

Friendships and Relationships can be complicated. I have never been in a relationship, but I do have many friends. From what I have seen relationships are difficult and more complicated than a friendship. Though, for some people there is another thing that complicates the process of gaining friends and/ or a relationship. That is racial preference. I decided to write an article, because I have noticed some people have racial preferences in their friends. While, I can't call each person that does that a racist, because I can't prove they do in all cases. Some people do say that they have racial preferences in friendships and especially dating. I have heard people say I don't date Insert ethnicity girls or guys. Why is this wrong? Don't they have a right to preference one ethnic group over another? It is just preference not actual racism?

A large reason of why racial preference is wrong, because it gives into stereotyping. If you were to ask someone why they only date out of a certain racial group. Generally, they will give you an answer that has to do with stereotyping. Stereotypes are wrong. If we look at them from a christian perspective. We see Christ didn't believe in the stereotypes of his day. He didn't choose to hang out with  a certain type of person, because that is what he was most comfortable with. He went to the tax collectors, Samaritans, and down trodden. He went to those that were stereotyped as being wicked, undesirable, or some other negative label. He chose to be a friend to all. He didn't choose to limit himself by his preference and racial stereotypes. I think that as we seek to attain Christlikeness. We must follow his examples by not giving in to stereotypes and going outside our comfort zone.

Racial preference is very limiting. If you limit the types of people you could date or be friends with based upon ethnicity, you are closing an entire door of wonderful relationships.I personally tend to be the minority most places I go. If I limited myself to just being friends to people who look like me. I wouldn't have as many friends as I do. I wouldn't know as many amazing people that have changed my life for the better. When you choose to have a racial preference, you are missing out.

Racial preference is friendship and dating is wrong especially if you look at the reasons why. You end up losing out on many wonderful people. I hope and know that most of you don't have a racial preference in friendships or dating. Though, I have met people that do. I hope that you can learn from this article to get out of your comfort zone talk to people who are different from you. Don't limit yourself to a small group similar looking, like-minded people. Choose to love people of all colors. That is more liberating than limiting yourself.

Thanks For Reading!!!!

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