Monday, December 28, 2015


Right now... I am tired, really really tired. I am tired of racism. I am tired of police getting away with excessive use of force. I am tired of not getting justice. I am really really tired of it all. Why I am so tired? It didn't take a few days or one death of an innocent person to get me here. It took a few years and many deaths to make this tired.

It all started when I was about 12. I heard about the Trayvon Martin case. I was appalled when his murdered got away free. That was the beginning of me being tired. It only got worse after the shooting in South Carolina. I am tired of hearing of death after death after death without any justice. I thirst to see justice poor down like a torrent of rain, but right now we are in a drought. There is not justice in our justice system. In our skewed courts. America is NOT a city on a hill. America is in a drought of justice. That is what I am tired of.

I am also sick of the callous remarks I hear. Like he was doing something illegal, he had a toy guy, she yelled at him, or he was wearing a hoodie.  NONE of those actions should equal death. I shouldn't be afraid for my life, because I yelled at someone, wore a hoodie, had a toy gun, or committed a minor crime. That is wrong. Someone doesn't deserve death for stealing a candy bar. That is not justice.

So join me. Join me in demanding justice. Join me in saying Black lives matter. Join me in fight for what is so sacred to all of us a person's very life. Join me. If we do this together, we don't have to be tired. WE don't have to hear about death after death by police , racists, and the list goes on. We don't have be starved of what are malnourished stomachs so desperately need, Justice. So why don't you climb aboard. Join this ship's crew as we seek out what our country so desperately needs for all citizens no matter the color of their skin. That is Justice.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I am a feminist

I am a feminist. Some people label feminism as crazy, stupid, unnecessary and the list goes on. Why would someone want to take part in it? Don't women have enough freedom? I will answer these questions and more.

I  am proud to call myself a feminist, because of all the other amazing women before me who called themselves feminist. I am feminist, because I believe in the equality of men and women. After seeing how women are objectified in our culture. After learning that I couldn't walk down the street by myself due to the simple fact that I am a girl. After I learned that, male victims of domestic violence and rape are not taken as seriously as women. I now know there is a problem. When I learned that there are less than 150 female African-American physicists. I knew then that there was a problem. I wanted to be a part of that change.

I have heard many people say that there is not a problem. But, there is obviously is. I understand that women have come very far from where we were even less than 100 years ago. This has been due to the work of male and female feminists alike. Feminism is not the war cry overpriveledged women, who scream oppression. No, I don't think I am very oppressed. Yes! I have experienced some difficulties that I wouldn't have as a man.  Just because we have come so far doesn't mean that we need to stop. The cause of feminism still needs to be fought for. Not just here in my home country, but around the world. My heart goes out for the countless girls being bared from getting a good education. The cries for justice and equality of girls around the world still rings in my ears. I want to fight for these women and girls here in my country and around the world. That is why I am a feminist.

I know you still may not get the cause or think I am simply a man-hater, stupid, bossy, annoying. Frankly, I don't care.  I am going to stand for equality regardless of what others think. I am proud to be a feminist. I proud to stand for equality for both genders. I hope you can understand that I am not a man-hater. I am not faking oppression. I am making people aware of the real issues that need to be addressed. As a feminist I will not deny the problem. I will not ignore the cries. I will stand up and fight for the cause.